Promises, Promises

I was just watching a movie previe in which the following dialogue took place:

YOUNG GIRL: We're going to die!
NICHOLAS CAGE: I promise you, I will never, ever let that happen.

I've heard that sort of line often, and what's shocking is that it's always portrayed as a responsible parent doing the caring thing for his/her child! Yes, promising your child immortality -- it's the responsible thing to do.


  1. It's a handy dodge, no? Speaking for myself, I'll never "let" my children die; which is not to say they won't die without my letting them. Similarly, I'll never "let" a comet strike the Earth, commencing an extinction event. Oh no I will not.

  2. There was something like this in the movie that the South Park guys made. (I can't remember the title, but it had the theme song, "America! F--- Yeah!") The girl wouldn't go to bed with him because she was afraid to lose him, so he promised her he would never die.

  3. "The girl wouldn't go to bed with him because she was afraid to lose him, so he promised her he would never die."

    That`s a takeoff on Meatloaf`s "Dashboard Lights" song - you know, "praying for the end of time" and all that.

    MANKIND: We're going to die!
    GOD: I promise you, I will never, ever let that happen - as long as you love me (and do other things religious leaders tell you)..

    I've heard that sort of line often, and what's shocking is that it's always portrayed as a loving parent doing the caring thing for his/her child! Yes, promising Mankind immortality -- it's the responsible thing to do.

    Sorry, but the Devil made me do it!

  4. And they called it child abuse when I put my infant into the cryopreservation chamber! Don't they understand we'll be able to recover brains in the future?

  5. "MANKIND: We're going to die!
    GOD: I promise you, I will never, ever let that happen - as long as you love me (and do other things religious leaders tell you).."

    Tom, this is just what some jumble of atoms was caused to say by their collisions -- you're certainly not trying to say it's "false," are you -- "falsehood" is not made of matter and energy!

  6. "I've heard that sort of line often, and what's shocking is that it's always portrayed as a loving parent doing the caring thing for his/her child! Yes, promising Mankind immortality -- it's the responsible thing to do."

    So, let me get this straight... there IS a God, but he's lying to us about immortality. (Notice that in any other case, your whole analogy falls apart.)

  7. Maybe that's something a mere jumble of atoms said when "God" is claimed as the guarantor. Fine. But this I promise you: Forget this so-called "God" and instead believe in me, and then indeed, you will never die. (After a few vigintillion years, you'll beg to be terminated, which can be worked out on payment of a sufficient donation.)

  8. Wabulon, I have believed in you for some time, and I have never died.


  9. See?? The sooner you start believing in Me, the sooner you will be able to trust that no runaway garbage truck will turn you into a grease spot.


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