Chrome, You Are the One

Just started using Google Chrome as my web browser.

I had no idea it was possible for the browser to speed up one's Internet experience so much.


  1. I love Chrome. It is just so fast and such an elegant execution.

  2. I've been using Chrome for the last few months and love it, too. Quick and snappy.

  3. scineram6:59 PM

    From what?

  4. I was using mostly Firefox, and occasionally Safari and IE. Chrome is waaay faster than any of them. (Of course, walking to the site's computer and grep'ing for the info yourself often is faster than IE.)

  5. Is there any downside? Like, is it just sheer inertia preventing people from switching?

  6. I haven't seen a downside yet, although I'm sure it must be worse at some things.

  7. I haven't figured out how to modify the default printing options for Chrome, to remove headers and footers like page numbers and website urls. Since I print out a lot of long (non-.pdf) articles to read offline, I generally use Firefox whenever I need to do any printing.


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