Hey, Progressives...

are you a little bothered by Obama ordering hits on US citizens, and that, as Greenwald notes, "not only does the President have the right to sentence Americans to death with no due process or charges of any kind, but his decisions as to who will be killed and why he wants them dead are "state secrets," and thus no court may adjudicate their legality"?


  1. No. I'm a LOT bothered.

  2. Yeah, but in an ancap land, a ceo of a private company would put hits out on civilians. So by your logic, its no biggie that Obama has that power.

  3. "So by your logic..."

    I don't understand your use of the word "logic" here. I never proposed any syllogism of the form, "If A does X, then it's OK if B does X."

    But, in any case, private organizations do that all the time, right now. Perhaps you've never heard of the Mafia, or drug cartels?

  4. "But, in any case, private organizations do that all the time, right now. Perhaps you've never heard of the Mafia, or drug cartels?"

    Right! Your blog has the same answer to every libertarian critique of the state. Just post some abuse in the private sector as the justification for an abuse in the public sector.

  5. Steve, your complaint might make a wee bit of sense if, in the post you are commenting on, I was "justifying" "an abuse in the public sector."

    But Steve, you might notice I was protesting an abuse in the public sector, not justifying one. So your post makes no sense whatsoever.

    Are you sure it's not you who has the same answer to every critique of libertarianism?


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