Here is a little slide show on high fructose corn syrup which makes the point I would have though obvious: it's sugar, folks!

'"Really, it's just sugar in liquid form—no different biochemically from common table sugar," explains Marion Nestle, Ph.D., professor of nutrition, food studies and public health at New York University.'

But there are some rather surprising assertions made:

'But it also lurks in other types of foods that may come as a surprise: ketchup, frozen dinners, salad dressing, bread, marinades, cereal, canned vegetables—the list goes on and on. "About 30 to 40 percent of all products in the center of the grocery store have high-fructose corn syrup. And people don't expect any sugar in these foods," points out Phil Lempert, the Supermarket Guru.'

There are people who don't know that Captain Crunch contains sugar?!

And here's Lempert again: '"We have no idea what real food tastes like anymore because of all the sugar being added," says Lempert.'

So, adding sugar makes food imaginary?

Hey, and iVillage: It's really obnoxious to glom your little ad onto all text copied from your site.


  1. Common table sugar is sucrose. Fructose is biochemically different from sucrose. It's hard to see why Marion Nestle would say that fructose was no different biochemically from common table sugar. Perhaps she didn't.

    Sucrose is a disaccharide, whereas fructose and glucose are monosaccharides. I appreciate that sucrose is quickly broken down by the stomach into fructose and glucose. Nonetheless, it does have to be broken down, suggesting to me that fructose from food would hit the bloodstream faster than fructose produced in the stomach by breaking down sucrose from food. Further suggesting to me that blood sugar regulation after consuming fructose would be more difficult than blood sugar regulation after consuming sucrose.

    I am not a biochemist.

  2. Yes, Crosbie, I knew that and so did she, I imagine. And you have a very funny way of doing biochemistry: decide what the chemicals involved "suggest" to you!

    Well, other people have a different method, called scientific studies, and study after shows no such difference.


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