Applied religious technology

Long before Scientology called itself "applied religious technology," there was a predecessor: chivalric romances.

Around 1000 A.D., the problem of "noble violence" was acute. The Church tried to stem this with programs like "The Peace and Truce of God." But it is quite possible that an independent reform program actually did the most good.

The most common authors of chivalric romances were court chaplains, and what they sought to do with them was to re-channel noble violence. They combined elements and values nobles already liked (fighting, adventure, courage, strength) with "Christianizing" influences that directed those preexisting dispositions towards spiritual and benevolent goals, so that adventurers might seek the Holy Grail and a knight would fight to protect the weak from predation. And there is evidence that chivalric ideals had some effect: tournaments, for instance, became notably less violent after the idea of chivalry became popular. (Source: The High Middle Ages, Phillip Daileader.)


  1. What the hell is "applied religious technology"? I'll admit I readily spent some of my time a few years ago reading Anonymous material about the CoS, but I don't ever recall this popping up in the docs. I mostly only heard about the OT junk.


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