How Libertarians Could Eliminate Government Tax Coercion Overnight

Pay your taxes voluntarily. Alright?


  1. Odd use of the possessive. How does a government demand become "mine?"

    1. I know libertarians hate acknowledging that they are citizens of this country. But nevertheless you are.

    2. Another famous libertarian tactic: "your taxes" is a completely normal use of the possessive. But libertarians love to pretend that when people speak the way 99% of everyone else does, they are using words "oddly"!

  2. Gene, this reminds me of the meta-ethical theories of non-cognitivism. Non-cognitivism holds that when we speak of 'x is good', we are really just asserting a psychological emotion (this view is sometimes called 'emotivism') to a statement, akin to saying 'Hurrah for x!' or 'Boo on y!'

    Unfortunately, this is not how people use evaluative language. The non-cognitivist, like the libertarian, uses a new response: calling evaluative statements correct because 'that is how people use these words' is begging the question.

    This response does not work (for the non-cognitivist) for several reasons, but I think that libertarians are attempting to use a similar move: just because 'we use language that way' or 'we think of things being this way' does not mean that it is good, or justified, etc.

    1. Who called something correct "because 'that is how people use these words'"?

      Not me Alex. I said it was invalid to claim that how people use these words is an "odd use" of language.

      Why would you turn that into a claim about something being "correct"?! Were you not paying any attention to what I actually wrote?

    2. Gene, relax a bit, okay? I was just making an observation. I'm glad to know that I was wrong in characterizing what you have said, but there is no need to be so temperamental. Please be more gracious in your replies, or I will not post on your blog.

    3. You were delivering a lecture to me on a philosophical point I have understood for decades.

  3. Kids, how to stop your mom from forcing you to eat liver: start liking liver!

    1. More like: so you don't have to be forced to behave morally, do it voluntarily.

  4. From what I understand, you are trying to ridicule the position of "Remove illegal immigration by removing borders" by flipping it back on libertarians. Yes or no?

  5. I don't think this line of argument is a good one.


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