Why I Blog

This blog is an intellectual diary for me. I use it (mostly) to jot down ideas I have that I might use later. (Sometimes I just blog something that amuses or annoys me, but that happens just because I have the blog for the first purpose, so I can then use it for the other two.) Why a blog, rather than a notebook or private file? Well, it encourages me to write down my thoughts if I think others might read them. And, many times, the comments help me become clearer about what I am thinking.

As such, I welcome two sorts of commentators:

1) Those who can help me advance my own thinking; and
2) Those who don't understand what I'm saying and sincerely want me to explain it better.

Neither category includes people who write things like, "You idiot, you totally ignored the Blenkenschnapp study of 1958 which decisively shows that Bach was not a great musical composer!"

I'm sorry, but you are lecturing me, not engaging in discussion with me. And I regularly attend lectures by people much, much smarter than you. So don't bother.

Now that I've turned on comment moderation, I will be ruthless about culling the netwits from the comment pool. If I've misunderstood you and you really want to discuss something, drop me an e-mail and let me know.


  1. You should blog more, Gene.

  2. Interesting. I mostly use a private journal for that purpose. Any time I write out my thoughts in a public setting, I feel that they must be reasonably well-developed; there is no recalling them. But on private paper, meant for my eyes only, I feel freer to sketch out tentative ideas.

    My blog I use principally for posting interesting excerpts from works I'm reading.

  3. "I mostly use a private journal for that purpose. Any time I write out my thoughts in a public setting, I feel that they must be reasonably well-developed; there is no recalling them."

    But when you die famous, they will publish your private journal anyway!

    I'm just beating them to the punch.

  4. "Any time I write out my thoughts in a public setting, I feel that they must be reasonably well-developed; there is no recalling them."

    By the way, if I only published those thoughts I was sure I would never wish to recall, I would never publish a thing. Making big, bold mistakes in public can be more valuable than making tiny, safe advances.

  5. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Gene, I saw your name listed on wikipedia under "List of Austrian School economists" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Austrian_School_economists) and I was curious whether you still consider yourself such. If you're not, I can go ahead and update your wikipedia page accordingly.

  6. IKilled007, I did not put my name on that list, and I am not going to tell anyone whether or not I should be there. I am interested in Austrian economics and have learned many important things from it. Whether I "am" an Austrian economist based on that is not for me to say.


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