Calling someone who thinks that there might be an optimal number of immigrants...

less than infinity "anti-immigrant" is like calling someone who thinks there might be an optimal amount of calories consumed less than infinity "anti-eating."


  1. Good reductio ad absurdum. Mine for restrictions on ways someone can use their property: "If I can't shoot people with my gun, then I don't really own it.".

    1. Ancaps like Brock and Major.Fredom accept that expicitly. Many others do and when pressed waffle about how it's "more complicated" when that someone ia actually on you land.

    2. I can only imagine that those people are so far down the rabbit hole that there is no chance of saving them.

  2. Ok, rob, you've exceeded your stupid quota. Bye!

    1. Spillover
      What an astonishing mischaracterization of your point.

    2. I had warned rob about a dozen times to stop it with the "Oh, so what you are really saying is the government should regulate how many calories we eat?" kind of crap. This one was the last straw: I don't have time to correct his fanciful re-writings of my posts again and again and again.


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