Distributism Doubleplay

My essay on modern distributism is online at The American Conservative.

And the Henry George School of Social Science has put up a web page for my upcoming talk.


  1. From the commenter named "Giles Nahal":
    Despite mentioning the communitarian side the underlying bias of the author towards something akin to state free anacho-capitalism badly distorts the actual content of CHesterton and Belloc’s political economic thought. Just as Adam Smith saw the role of the state as vital so too did Chesterton and his contemporaries. The author does not, nor are his examples wholly satisfying. Uber “employees” are even more exploited than their counterparts because of the very fact that many of them simply aren’t considered employees. In fact the authors perversion of distribution is such that it’s only conclusion is an economy where, instead of a few exploiting the many, everyone exploits everyone else; predation becomes the norm. Instead of people being an end in themselves they are instituionalised as means to an end in Kantian terms. It is universal capitalism in opposition to monopoly capitalism. Chesterton and Belloc come from a strong catholic tradition of political thought in which it could be said that “not all things possess an exchange value”. The author would do best to espouse his anarcho capitalism through manipulating the work of others.


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