Speaking of Bees...

I know some people who are "vegans" and won't eat honey because it "exploits the bees." I wonder if it has ever occurred to them that bees can, you know, fly, and if they don't like the deal they are getting from Mr. Beekeeper that they can just leave? And Mr. Beekeeper is scaring off predators, treating their diseases, and even driving them around in a truck nice and close to flowers in season. (Beekeepers often provide pollinization services to fruit farmers.)

Maybe the bees are exploiting him.


  1. Why do you assume the beekeeper is a man?

  2. Why do you assume the beekeeper is a man?

  3. Why do you assume the beekeeper is a man?

  4. Why do you assume...etc.

  5. I don't know why that doubled; I didn't hit Post twice in frustration or anything. I blame a programmer, undoubtedly male.

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