The Crisis in Economics
A book review I never got to use: *********** In June of 2000 a group of French university students published a petition protesting the narrow scope of the economics they were being taught, calling for educators to adopt a more “pluralist” approach to the subject. This book consists of nine documents or “manifestos," including the original petition, forming the basis of the “post-autistic economics” movements, as well as 43 brief essays by prominent academics discussing the movement. As it is impossible to do justice to such a diverse body of material in a brief review such as this one, I will simply draw attention to particular highlights and general themes in the book. The four bullet points of the student's petition are: 1. We wish to escape from imaginary worlds! 2. We oppose the uncontrolled use of mathematics! 3. We are for a pluralism of approaches to economics! 4. Call to teachers to wake up before it is too late! (Yes, each item really ends in an exclamation point.) R...