Peaches' 85th Birthday

Our friend Peaches just had his 85th birthday. Anthony asked him what he wanted for his birthday, and he said, "A trip to Atlantic City."

The birthday boy reads The Onion while waiting for the van.

Inside the Tropicana.

Anthony, Peaches, Duke, Jamie and Steph at the table.

Peaches was greeted by cries of, "Dominick, where have you been?" when he reached the craps table. He sat down, bought $500 of chips, and went right to work, not budging from his seat for five hours.

Three desperados at the craps table: Elijah, Duke, and Jamie.

At this point, the casino shut me down, informing me that photography inside is illegal. The worry about photos seemed excessive, but not as excessive as what I would encounter a little later:

Jamie gets some health food on the way home.

Just after taking that photo, I was shut down for the second time, by the counter guy at KFC. He must have thought my photos would reveal the Colonel's secret recipe, or something. "If Osama can make KFC, the terrorists have already won!"

Back in the bar at the end of the day. Peaches came home $1900 richer than when he left, and bought rounds for the house.


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