Ron Paul Christmas in Iowa/SC photos

Dan Johnson and Willian Thoburn showing fists of liberty in front of the Constitution Coach.

Jordan explains to us how to eat pizza and drink coke at the same time.

Dogtor Ron Paw and his entourage outside of our small HQ in Vilisca, Iowa.

Without internet, we could only catch up on news or watch youtube videos after someone went to town and downloaded everything first. We're probably watching Ron Paul on MSNBC here.

Dr. Paul talks to a crowd after the Iowa caucus results are announced. He stayed and shook everyone's hand. When things were settling down, I asked him for a story about Murray Rothbard. He told me before he decided to run for the first time, Rothbard was the first person he called. Rothbard was very excited about his running and gave him strong encouragement. We discussed his excommunication from Ayn Rand's circle and Ron Paul's seeing a Mises lecture, but only briefly. I also asked him if Rothbard and him had any arguments about anarchism, but he would only say that they "had some minor disagreements" and laughed.

Now in South Carolina, on the day of the debate, Ron Paul is walking through Broadway at the Beach, greeting people and walking in shops.

Posing for Mr. Republican.

Dr. Paul signs my constitution.

Shaking hands with Dr. Paul

Dr. Paul shaking hands with some friends from our camp and talking about the previous debate, about foreign policy and his rivals mimicking his message. He mentioned McCain's "make it 100" comment that he would later throw back at McCain during the debate.

Same conversation from my camera, Drew Dahlin and Zachariah Wiedemann. We all drove together from Iowa.

Zachariah's McCain impression.


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