What Is Wrong with People?

At a local restaurant, I go to the loo. Despite the fact that there is a sit-down toilet two feet to the left, and a trash can one foot behind, someone has chucked a huge wad of toilet paper in the urinal. What is on the mind of someone who acts like this? I struggle to comprehend it.


  1. Based on observing litterers in the street, I conclude some people get a buzz out of littering. Not a major buzz, just a small sustaining buzz on the way to next drink, smoke, fight, or whatever. Perhaps it's the thrill of transgression.

  2. Anonymous5:14 AM

    It could have been a kid. Hey, at least it isn't like in SoCal, where the newly immigrated Mexicans throw their poo paper into the trash can (stinking up the whole place). I guess they can't plush toilet paper in a lot of places in Mexico.

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM


      Man, I swear that I've all of the sudden become a QWERTY dyslexic.

  3. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Some men just want to watch the world burn.

  4. This is completely off topic, but what's the Sowell book you suggest reading (with the discussion on Say's Law)?

    1. Jonathan, here.

      All Sowell's history of thought books are worth reading!

  5. Never attribute to malice what might be explained by clumsiness :)


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