When You in the Water You Never Get Wet If You Keep on Doing That Rag

Instructions for the ideological two-step:

Imagine two rocks in a pool. The rock to the left is called "ideal theory" and the rock to the right is called "real world policy." (Don't think of the political left and right here: we just need to differentiate the two feet somehow.) Place one foot on each rock.

Let's put your left foot on "Democratic reform leads to an empowerment of the average citizen, an increase in his or her liberty and security, and a higher standard of living."

Now, carefully place the right foot down on "The U.S. must act internationally in the interest of democratic reform."

To do the two-step and render yourself immune from being knocked off of your ideological platform, you just notice which leg an opponent is trying to dislodge, and swiftly lift that one and switch all your weight to the other.

So, your opponent comes at your left leg: "This is empty verbiage."

Shift to the right: "No, it calls for a concrete strategy for U.S. foreign policy."

He sees your move, and goes for the right leg: "That program was a disaster in Iraq! The average citizen is powerless, unfree, insecure, and impoverished."

Back to the left: "That was not true democratic reform, because true democratic reform leads to an empowerment of the average citizen, an increase in his or her liberty and security, and a higher standard of living."

It's fun and easy, and you never get wet!


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