How the Cultural Marxists Failed by Winning


  1. I think your argument is as follows:

    - cultural Marxists sponsor things like divorce, abortions, gay-rights not because they see these things as good in themselves, but because they see them as effective tools to destroy western civilization. When this plan succeeds in said destruction they believe that the working class will reestablish their proletarian identity and the cultural Marxists can then reveal their true colors and seize power in the name of communist revolution.

    - However at some point large corporation spotted that destroying western civilization was actually good for business because it turned people not into revolutionaries but into passive consumers. They therefor embraced the same things cultural Marxist has been pushing for.

    I have some questions:

    1. Do you believe that there really are hard core Marxists out there who are playing a long game of sponsoring all those liberal things that they don't really believe in just in the hope of eventually triggering a 1917-style communist revolution ?

    2. Why haven't they spotted that their "cultural Marxism" plan is not working and adopted a Plan B ?

    1. 1) I cannot understand why you'd think I'm saying that Marxist "don't really believe" in destroying these institutions: of course they believe in destroying them! These institutions in their view are distorted by the capitalist mode of production! Only under communism will we see "true" marriages, "true" families, etc.

      2) Corporate sponsorship of your chair of post-patriarchical studies is pretty sweet?!

    2. In any case, it is nice to see you admitting the liberalism seeks to destroy Western civilization!

    3. I see that you clearly do believe that there are active Marxist out there who really believe in destroying such institutions as marriage ,church and family in the hope of eventually triggering a communist revolution. My question was more about how cynical you think they are in their support for things like divorce and abortion. Do you believe they support these things only because doing so is a useful tactic in the longer term project of communist revolution or do they also support them as progressive ends in themselves ?

      BTW: I don't see anything I wrote (an attempt at a summation of your post followed by 2 questions) that could be interpreted as 'admitting the liberalism seeks to destroy Western civilization!'. I certainly don't think that is true of classical liberalism.

    4. "I see that you clearly do believe that there are active Marxist out there who really believe in destroying such institutions as marriage ,church and family in the hope of eventually triggering a communist revolution. "

      Well, I think more that this would BE the revolution. Just read a few papers from professors in the department of X studies if you doubt these people exist. And it's not like Marxists themselves tried to deny this: they explicitly stated it as a program of action!


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