The Cult of the Presidency

I recommend you pick up this excellent book by Gene Healy of the Cato Institute, the Washington, DC based Paul-smearing, neocon sock puppet, sell-out think tank. Uhh, sorry, I was channeling Justin Raimondo for a moment there! But get the book - it's quite good.


  1. I personally observed Gene Healy smearing Ron Paul - with Neoconservative organs.

  2. Anonymous9:03 AM

    While the swipe was unnecessary, Raimondo is beyond fired. There isn't a pink slip pink or slippish enough to indicate how damn fired he is for his comments on Bob Barr and methamphetamine legalization.

    The real stick of it is that I have one of his books and have read many of his articles, and they're often delightful reads. I might have even picked up his other one, Reclaiming the American Right, when I could...

    PS, Jim, ewwwww! Everyone knows neoconservatives don't have organs! They're evil robots built by Dr. No.

    PPS, Callahan, you're unfired. You're still on double-secret probation, however.

  3. Anonymous10:02 AM


    I recommend you pick up this excellent book..

    Do you mean it is a heavy book and thus "picking it up" would provide for a good gym type workout?

    While you were channeling Raimondo, did you notice any change in your attitude towards men?

  4. Yes, Sidney - are you busy tonight?

    By the way, you guys better appreciate each response and post I make this week deeply -- each one takes about 1/2 hour longer on this durned Frenchie keyboard.

  5. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Well, expect the rest of the paleos to re-descend back into Raimondo-level unprincipled hackery. It'll take a while, but eventually the urge to say anything to stick it to those orange/cosmopolitan/libertine/Kochtopussies, whether its cheering on the police state or knocking drug legalization, will overcome the sense that Bush II has beaten into them.

  6. What are you guys talking about? I take it Justin Raimondo criticized a "libertine" for wanting to legalize his immoral drug use?

  7. Anonymous9:23 PM

    He "praised" Bob Barr's opposition to the legalization of 'hard drugs', seemingly on the grounds that it would really upset those libertine Kochtopussies at Reason:

    I'm even mildly enthusiastic about his opposition to legalizing "hard" drugs, such as methamphetamine (this will doubtless prove his undoing over at Reason magazine).

  8. He "praised" Bob Barr's opposition to the legalization of 'hard drugs', seemingly on the grounds that it would really upset those libertine Kochtopussies at Reason:

    I think you need to smoke something illegal. The way I read that, Justin was saying Barr was wrong, but that he (Justin) could forgive the error for the reason you cite. I think it was basically a joke.

  9. Anonymous7:11 AM

    By the way, you guys better appreciate each response and post I make this week deeply -- each one takes about 1/2 hour longer on this durned Frenchie keyboard.

    Don't worry, we are kind of use to it. Almost since the start of this blog, after reading one of your posts, I have often thought to myself, "This guy is using a different keyboard than the rest of us".

  10. Darn FREEDOM keyboard, thank you very much.

  11. Sidney, I have this feeling I must know you.

  12. Anonymous7:54 PM

    No Gene, we have never met. It is only because of my unique ability to get into your psyche that eventually the sense of familarity grows.

    But perhaps, I will provide a clue from time to time. Today's clue, I am not Richard Ebeling.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. But Sidney, given I do not know you, ce qui est le point des indices?

  15. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Il m'incombe de

  16. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Il m'incombe de


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