Oh My God

Now I am being put through some sort of diabolical French torture device that my host tells me is called the - there will be a pause here while i spend half an hour looking for a quote key - couldnt find one, so screz it - QUOTE azerty UNQUOTE keyboard. But I suspect that name is only for foreign consumption - locally, this is known as the QUOTE f*ck thosze filthy american bougeoise pigs UNQUOTE keyboqrd.

How did I wind up in this predicqment? Well, Adam qnd I came in fro, Pqris today to Strasbourg, zhere ze were met qt the stqtion by so,e Africqn ?an who demanded we get in his car. Then he drove us out to so,e town nqmed after lamb or something, and ordered me to blog on this waterboqrding style keyboqrd.

The mornings arrogant Parisian cab driver who had NO idea where I was asking to go when I asked for the Tuh-lle-rie instead of the Too-lle-rie was nothing compared to the torture this man has put me through by lending me his laptop.


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