Deep Thoughts for the Day

The reason you shouldn't lie is that doing so makes it easier for you to lie to yourself. And when you can't even trust yourself for an accurate assessment of the situation, how can you possibly be happy with life?

I have obeyed my Christian instructions and can say that I love the war hawks in Washington. You know how the media portrays them as compassionate, concerned about collateral damage, outraged at the suggestion of lying the country into war, etc.? Well that's how they view it too. Why wouldn't they believe their own PR? It's so much easier than doing the "moo hoo ha ha!" when the cameras go off. I don't hate Don Rumsfeld, I want to ruffle his hair and say, "What were you thinking? Come here you! I think somebody needs a hug!"


  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Ahah! I see you are creating a "paper trail" so that if Rumsfeld mysteriously disappears after spending some time in your company, your lawyer will be able to point the jurors to this blog entry.


    (But remember not to talk to the police.)

  2. "And when you can't even trust yourself for an accurate assessment of the situation, how can you possibly be happy with life?"

    I agree with you about the first part, but the second is obviously wrong. Self-deception is the main way that neocons sleep better at night.

  3. "And when you can't even trust yourself for an accurate assessment of the situation, how can you possibly be happy with life?"

    Bob, I agree with you about the first part, but the second is obviously wrong. Self-deception is the main way that neocons sleep better at night.


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