Pilots for Truth?

I don't know anything about flying a plane, but these two guys are either the real deal, or excellent con men. They sure sound like pilots who are matter of factly saying there's no way amateurs were flying the planes on September 11.

Has this thing been debunked, the way the conspiracy stories from the engineers and architects has (apparently) been matched point for point?

And then you read something like this, and really get worried.

(BTW I skipped ahead to about 3:00 in this interview, and don't think I missed much. It gets really good near the end.)


  1. Anonymous11:50 PM


    Just curious, have you heard or read of any debunking by architects or engineers as to why the collapse of Building 7 was not a controlled collapse?

  2. Anonymous1:23 AM

    What happened to the $2.3 trillion disclosed on the day before 9-11-01?


  3. Anonymous2:11 AM

    NTSB animation: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8672066571196607580

  4. RW,

    Yeah, there is a site that goes through and purports to address every claim, like "No skyscraper has ever collapsed from fire before" (which isn't true, apparently, there was a hotel fire in the 1950s I think) and "This rubble would have to be falling faster than free fall" which a careful viewing showed not to be right.

    I forget the site; I'll dig it up.

  5. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Thanks, Bob.

    My thinking on this stuff is that you really need to be a near expert before making a conclusion on a subject. Without expert knowledge you can easily misled by someone wth superior knowledge of a field but inaccuarte theories.

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