A Lion in Winter

OK, so the new Mac OS restarts everything you had open when you shut down, plus some.


What it means is that every time you start up your system, to, say, send off an urgent e-mail, you have to wait for every single thing your were doing the last time the computer was on to re-start.

Including... oh say, that web site that hung the computer yesterday. That hang that was the very reason you shut the computer down.

That hang that will now hang your computer again before you get to send off that urgent e-mail.


  1. Isn't there an 'off' switch?

    Even if there is it's still annoying. There seems to be a major trend these days to add major behaviour-changing 'features' to software which are turned on by default. So instead of learning how to turn them on when I have some downtime I have to ignore it through gritted teeth until such times as I can can take time out from doing something useful to learn to turn it off.

    *Everyone* seems to do this now - Apple, Microsoft, Mozilla, every major website.

    Major time and investment is going in to wasting millions of hours of users' time.

    I guess most people are actually fine with it.

  2. If manually deleting specific apps saved Resume states is too tedious for you, you can always choose to just disable the Resume and App Restore feature completely in Mac OS X 10.7.

    Launch System Preferences and click on the “General” icon
    At the bottom of the “Number of recent items” list, uncheck the checkbox next to “Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps”

  3. Wow, that would be annoying!

    It's stuff like this that makes me glad I run a version or three behind current (I just moved into Intel Mac with an early-model Mini that could run Snow Leopard, but that is actually running 10.5.8). All the bugs and bads are known and the fixes for them widely documented before I get there.

  4. By the way, Rob, that doesn't fully fix the problem -- it still re-opens all apps you had up when you logged out.


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