Leftist violence

Reader Greg Pandatshang offers the following:
I was in a movie theater a couple weeks ago, and in the row behind me were two young women, who I'd guess are maybe undergrad sophomores, not particularly tall or athletic, talking about the Richard Spencer sucker punch brouhaha, pleased as punch. One of them remarked, "If I'd've been there, I would have done more than just punch him!" I'd suggest that this is indicative of the centre-left (and parts of the hard left) reaction to the late unpleasantness: they live in a fantasy world where the possibility that they might not win at violence doesn't even occur to them. What are the chances, really, that Luke Skywalker will lose the final duel with Darth Vader? And what are the chances, really, that a short female college kid will fail to give a grown-ass fascist man the beating he obviously deserves? In light of this fantasy, it becomes merely an issue of whether their side will choose to be nice and refrain from violence. No negative consequences (except for maybe the deplorables if they act up).


  1. A timely example from Canada

  2. I'd suggest that this is indicative of the centre-left (and parts of the hard left)

    God, I hate political spectrums. I'd suggest there is a qualitative difference between progressives and Marxist-types.

    1. It's progressives who find violence against deplorables so charming. A halfway decent Marxist will at least take violence seriously instead of living in fantasyland. That's what I meant when I said "the centre-left (and parts of the hard left)".

    2. That may be so. But it is the "centre-left" bit that I dispute.

  3. What do you mean by 'there is a qualitative difference between Progressives and Marxist types'?

    1. I mean the difference between them is not one of degree.

    2. You don't read political philosophy much, do you, Samson.


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