Barack Obama

Many people are touting Obama as possibly the first black president.

He doesn't have a chance. Not because he's "black" -- that's in quotes because he looks to be about 60% or 70% white in ancestry to me -- but because of his name. Far too many Americans are so stupid and uninformed that they will confuse "Obama" with "Osama," and be sure that the al Qaeda leader is running for US office.


  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    So by your logic, voters in Illinois are smarter since they elected Obama to the United States Senate?

  2. Well:
    1) This was a joke.
    2) Nevertheless, it is true that the smaller the region an election covers, the easier it is to become known to the voters.

  3. Anonymous3:03 PM

    If it was a joke, it was not a funny joke.

    The promise of America (increasingly over time but not yet fully realized) is that irrelevant considerations like name, race, etc. should not control destiny. Talent should. And once we have everyone's talents working at full capacity, we will have an even greater America.

    I wonder how you explain how Senator Obama is ranking so high in so many polls. Are Americans so stupid that they think they are supporting "Osama"?

    Or was that just a stupid thing to suggest?

  4. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I agree. I wish Obama would use his talents to succeed in a private job where no one is forced to pay his salary. I'm sure he'll rise to the occasion and do well for himself.

    Talent may determine success in politics, but talent at what?

  5. "If it was a joke, it was not a funny joke."

    Well, I'll make sure that in the future I run all my jokes by you for your approval before I post them.

  6. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Obama is half-white, half-black. His father is a black Kenyan, his mother is a white woman from Kansas.

    - Josh

  7. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Is it true that his middle name is Hussein?

  8. Anonymous3:27 PM

    According to, his middle name is indeed Hussein.

  9. This is the very connection between Hussein and Obama that Bush has been talking about!

  10. I was in B-61 tonight and four people, with no prompting from me, began talking about this issue, and everyone concurred that Obama's name is a severe handicap.

  11. Let us describe the degree of negritude as a binary fraction. Thus (arbitrarily opting for 0=white rather than the opposite polarity) white is 0.0, black is 1.0, mulatto is 0.1, etc. Then the possible (biologically attainable) degrees of negritude are those represented by the terminating binary fractions as opposed to the nonterminating binary fractions, e.g., 1/3.

  12. Damn, and I really wanted to have a transcendental degree of negritude!

  13. Will the ordinal of our reincarnated lives always bow to omega, or can we some day, however literally unimaginably, look forward to incarnations numbered omega to the omega and beyond?

  14. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Here in the deep south, you see lot's of good ole boys driving trucks with large capital "A"s written upon them. Some times they also have a logo for "Bama." I understand that in this pre-literate culture, the "A" and the "Bama" are references to a college football team.

    I am hoping for the opportunity to talk to one of these rednecks about this "Bama" thing. I'd like to approach it this way, "Oh, I see you like Obama, too! [as I point to his sign] I really do hope he runs for president, it's about time!" After this I imagine we do some target shooting over a few cheap, domestic beers. You've got to love this country!

  15. Woody, you've hit upon the key to his presidential bid: "Obama" is short for "Alobama"!

  16. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Great article! Thanks.

  17. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Thanks for interesting article.

  18. Anonymous3:12 AM

    Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!


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