My Stalker

Last week I received a letter from someone asking details about my London mugging. (Details are at the bottom of the page I linked to, if you are curious.) I kind of brushed him (her?) off.

So yesterday I get this:

"I think you are a good writer. I am born 1959 too you know.So I am really interested about the two yoots and your mugging.I have questions about it. please answer them below
1)were your two muggers african american
2)did they steal your cell phone (when you said they scooped up your cell phone and took off running)
3)who was that commuter on his cell phone to the police was that you or another person.I thought they stole your cell phone
4)how much did your cell phone cost the one that the two muggers stole"

"please answer my questions"

I responded, "Who are you and why in the world do you want to know these things?"

Today, this comes back:

"I am a police in London. I am investigating this. so please give me information about it.
1)when a commuter on his cell phone to the cops was that you or another person? I thought the guys stole your cell phone
2) did they steal your cell phone when you said they scooped up your cell phone and took off running
3) how much did the cell phone the muggers stole cost

"please respond back"

In the first mail I quote above, this guy makes it obvious that he's American, and not English at all, let alone "a police in London." Do you see his slip-ups? (UPDATE: I now notice three.)

But why in the world is he so persistently trying to get this information. If it's just morbid curiosity, why not say so? Why come up with the "a London police" lie?

Any ideas?

Just got this:
"I am a recent london police. just joined. so please tell me about your mugging incident

"please respond back"

This morning from the Metropolitan Police:
"I can confirm that the matter you originally had contact with Police has been investigated and the investigation is complete.

"No Metropolitan Police Officer or any UK Police officer would use a gmail account in an official capacity or crime investigation, therefore you should report this matter to your local Police in the US as there maybe offences they should be investigating."


  1. My guess is a student writing an assignment for high school came across your article through a search engine.

  2. This must be really scary for you to have such a creepy dude start to show interest in your mugging. You have my sympathies. :-/

  3. Thank you, Silas.

    Micha -- perhaps, but why not say so? I'd help a high school student no problem.

  4. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Well, first, he says "african american" when he means "black." Second, there are clearly not enough superfluous U's in his writing. I'm not sure what the third non-British slip-up is. Maybe Brits say "mobile" instead of "cell phone" the way they do in Spain ("móbil")?

    This is quite creepy. If I were in your situation, I might be tempted to correspond with him just enough to get more information out of him, out of my morbid curiosity. But, didn't this happen years ago, I thought? Upon clicking on the link, I find that you're referring to the same mugging that I read about on LRC years ago. Why in the world is this (obviously non-native English-speaking) person interested in your mugging now?

  5. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Btw, if he ever urges you to ASSIST IN THE EXPORTATION OF FUNDS PRESENTLY TRAPPED IN GREAT BRITAIN, I'd recommend maybe ceasing communications with him.

  6. 1) Yes, he's says "African-American," as if blacks living in England or any sort of Americans at all!

    2) He says "cell" when a Brit would say "mobile."

    3) He calls them the "London police" when their name is actually the "Metropolitan Police."

  7. You were born in 1959? You're just a whippersnapper then!

    Maybe that explains why you like to live as a man of danger, corresponding (by email or letter?)with someone who's clearly got a screw loose.

    Will you keep us posted on this, or must we hang in suspense?

  8. UPDATE (posted in original text as well):
    This morning from the Metropolitan Police:
    "I can confirm that the matter you originally had contact with Police has been investigated and the investigation is complete.

    "No Metropolitan Police Officer or any UK Police officer would use a gmail account in an official capacity or crime investigation, therefore you should report this matter to your local Police in the US as there maybe offences they should be investigating."

  9. Anonymous10:05 PM

    1959? Not even 50.

    Why do you have so much gray hair? Are you nervous that maybe your royalty checks for Economics for Real People got lost in the mail?

  10. My grandfather's hair was completely white in his twenties. My cousin had white sideburns by about 19. I think these things are mostly genetic.


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