Silas Goes to His Protection Agency

I forget, what happens now? Is there a shootout and the side with more readers wins?

I am happy to report that the legal proceedings have moved Silas' Barbie post from the top of his blog, where it had been sitting since August 27.*

* Yes Silas, this last comment was completely unfair and represents humor at your expense. Although it is true, it implies things about your post that are not true. Some would call it shameful what I have done.


  1. As usual, we see Bob present us with a model of civil discussion.

  2. Anonymous9:30 PM

    I,personally, would like to see a shootout, so that we can get back to more serious business at this blog.

    May I suggest to Gene that we film the shootout so that it can be posted here for those who will not be able to attend in person.

    And Gene isn't your class something about death? This shootout could get you early tenure!


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