Now Them's Scientists!

I was filling my tank at a Shell station today when I noticed a poster on the pump advertising hte quality of Shell's gas. Studies showed, the poster went, that Shell gas leaves your engine cleaner, etc. Just so the reader would be convinced these studies were "truly scientific," the poster showed him some scientists -- a Chinese guy and an Indian guy in lab coats.

If you want to convince today's American he's lookin' at real scientists, show him some Asian folk.


  1. Interesting, as well as your own reaction. The tribal nature can be recognized, but not avoided. Go Americans!

  2. Gene, I was just contrasting your perfectly apt observations here (distinguishing Americans, Indians and Chinese) with your post about the Olympic swimmer and `Mericans uber alles. Seems to me your comments display our tribal reactions, though I`m not sure how much they enter your own thoughts.

  3. I remember when Megan_McArdle, working for The Atlantic, visited Vietnam, and the department store mannequins were all caucasian, and one of her blog commenters said that the reason for that is analogous to why "They show Asians here to signal math/science quality". Go fig.

  4. Wait, that should be Megan McArdle. Durn that software!


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