We Could Be Heroes

I've been watching the show Heroes on DVDs, and it's kind of entertaining, but, man oh man, they just didn't worry much about intellectual content when throwing this thing together, did they? Every time the young Indian guy starts talking "philosophy" I want to throw something at the computer. You could pretty much string random words from pop science and religion together with a computer program that placed English verbs, conjunctions, etc. between them and it would make no less sense than the blather the writers put in that guys mouth. "Cockroaches are the pinnacle of evolution"! If you view evolution scientifically, it has no "pinnacle". And if you view it spiritually, you certainly wouldn't place cockroaches at the "pinnacle"! "We only use 10% of our brains." That's an old urban legend with no basis whatsoever in fact.

And what's up with his accent? He's an American, raised in Texas, but if you're going to make him a character from Madras, India, and have him speak in a foreign accent, why make it an English accent? I think the theory is, "Americans are so stupid they won't know the difference."


  1. The other BIG problem with Heroes is that very few members of the cast can act. They were mostly chosen for their optical sweetener content. After BSG, it's just not acceptable to have a cast that bad.

  2. I should point out that a good number of people in the world who think they are talking philosophy *do* talk like that.

  3. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Since when was TV remotely realistic?

  4. "Since when was TV remotely realistic?"

    I hold The Sopranos as a counter-example to your skepticism -- remember, I live in Brooklyn -- I have never seen a Sopranos scene where I couldn't imagine one of the guys I know in my local acting just like that.


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