Well, He's Not Fat Anymore

Flipping round the AM dial on my way home from work I found Rush Limbaugh on a local station. God, what a pathetic, partisan hack he's become. Is the McCain campaign paying him? He was insisting that the presidential election is very close, and that Palin is helping the GOP ticket! He must of gotten a hold of some oxycontin again.

(Far from being "very close," McCain is so far down that GOP operatives aren't even waiting until after the election to start blaming each other for the landslide loss coming.


  1. I think Palin helped the ticket. You're saying you think there were more people who were going to vote for McCain before she was the VP, than who were going to stay home and now want to cast a vote for her? I don't think that is the case, and I am sure it's not as obvious as you are making it sound.

    And no, I doubt the McCain campaign is paying Rush. But the "back up your computer remotely" people sure are! As well as the tankless water heater people.

  2. Sorry I botched the 2nd sentence above; I hope you get what I mean. E.g. neither Woody nor Tina Fey was going to vote for McCain before Palin was on the ticket, so the fact that they hate her guts doesn't mean much.

  3. You're right, it's not close; intrade.com has McCain's chances down to under 15%.

  4. " E.g. neither Woody nor Tina Fey was going to vote for McCain before Palin was on the ticket, so the fact that they hate her guts doesn't mean much."

    Sure -- but I do think there were a number of swing voters who tipped to Obama after the Palin nomination, and that that number well surpasses the number of "base" voters newly energized to get to the polls.

  5. " E.g. neither Woody nor Tina Fey was going to vote for McCain before Palin was on the ticket, so the fact that they hate her guts doesn't mean much."

    Maybe it was clear for whom I was going to vote, but not all my actions were clear.

    I had never made a financial contribution to a political campaign until after Palin received a public vetting. She scared the shit out of me, and evidence suggests many others.

    I never had a lawn sign or had another political advertisement on my property until Sarah Palin was nominated.

    I never worked on a political campaign before Sarah Palin's coming out. Now I work the phones for the Obama campaign, and canvas neighborhoods. As a conservative looking registered republican I make a pretty convincing case for undecided Floridians. I even drive people to the early-voting polls.

    So maybe Palin energized the fascist base of the Republican party. And if they're not too busy sippin' from the still come election day, they will probably vote. But the polls show clearly that Obama gained momentum since that fateful VP nomination.


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