The Rednecks Is PISSED

I know a lot of people are upset that Obama won because they think he'll raise their taxes, be soft on terrorism, (further) socialize medicine, etc., etc. But there's also a goodly contingent who are fuming about the president being a God-damned jigaboo. I stopped to get some beer today near Bushkill, PA, and was immediately "tested" with a wave of Obama "jokes." (This, by the way, was done by two dirty looking, unshaven men, sitting bleary eyed, drinking beer at midday.)

"Did you hear Obama is going to plant watermelons on the White House lawn?"

"Yeah, I heard he's going to replace the Oval Office with a basketball court."

"He's already moved to replace the eagle as the national symbol by the fried chicken wing."

Now, if this pair had as many IQ points as Obama between the two of them, I'd be shocked. (And I know the duo has fewer total teeth than he does.) But somehow, they're still damned certain that they're superior to him, in some indefinable way.


  1. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Disgusting as racism is, I doubt the two hicks you encountered ever spearheaded the mass killing and imprisonment of innocent human beings. Let's see how Obama fairs on these issues in the next 4 years. Assuming he fails miserably (he will be President after all), then I think we can safely assume that a couple of racist rednecks are indeed superior, if not for the reasons they think.

  2. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Does this mean you believe IQ tests measure something we call "intelligence" and that some people are more intelligent than others? Or are you simply venting?

  3. I don't get the point of this post. Or your other one on the NR post, Gene. That stupid white folk are resentful that someone that's not "one of their own" wasn't elected? Is there a more subtle point?

  4. Well, Michael, there are all different scales upon which people can be measures. And, anyway, I guarantee you that those two, given the chance, would love to nuke some "sand niggers." (Another phrase thrown around in the redneck bars out here.)

    Cody, I'm using "IQ" as a shorthand for intelligence, with no significant reference to the test. And yes, of course some people are more intelligent than others -- even a four-year-old can recognize that.

    John, I don't think Lopez is "white" -- she's "Hispanic." I said nothing about race in the post about her. If Colin Powell had been running on the GOP ticket Lop[ez would have been all behind him, I'm sure.

    Since when do my posts have a point?!

  5. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Since when do my posts have a point?!

    Good point!

  6. Dr. Murray, the way that can be named is not the true way. The truth that can be voiced is not the real truth. The point that can be made is not the real point. The mists are the womb of true wisdom.

  7. The mists are the womb of true wisdom.

    Good point! But does this mean we shouldn't mock Palin's befogged responses to Courcic?

    But somehow, they're still damned certain that they're superior to him, in some indefinable way.

    Surely we understand their "damned certainty" as confidence that their skin color makes them members of a "superior" racial group, as oppose to blacks and "sand niggers". Kinda like the certainty you display that you're superior to those "rednecks" - in that your certainty also involves some stereotyping and in-group/out-group line drawing (though I'd probably agreee that your certainty is more deserved and less pernicious).

  8. "in that your certainty also involves some stereotyping and in-group/out-group line drawing"

    To Choose to discriminate is to deny the nameless source of the 10,000 things. To choose not to discriminate is to deny the nameless source of the 10,000 things.

    Obscure and wavering is the path upon which the true sage treads.

  9. Obscure and wavering is the path upon which the true sage treads.

    True: sage, wavering,
    treads obscure path
    to Bushkill bar

  10. Cold beer, hot women
    Is this not the essence
    Of the pure Buddha mind?

  11. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Hmmm.... I'm thinking of Blazing Saddles when the mayor greets the arrival of the new sheriff. Now what did the mayor say?

  12. Man, I don't even understand what happened on this thread. Gene vents a bit, people start hyperanalyzing him, and then he retreats into Puck-talk as a defense mechanism.

    Gene, were they doing it to make you feel uncomfortable, or did they think you would appreciate their humor?

  13. (Ha ha, rereading my post, it's not clear if I'm referring to the rednecks or to the people commenting on this thread!)

  14. Bob, the humour of the sage is serious; the profound statements of the sage are jokes.

  15. Screw intelligence. No one knows what it is anyway. IQ is real. It can be measured. Claiming that it has to do with something called intelligence makes as much sense as claiming that molecular weight has to do with ultimate purpose.

  16. While a sage grouses
    the Buddha raises his glass
    to the leaving fall

  17. Oops; "a sage" should read "Murphy", who is a smart grouse (but not a sage one).

  18. But if you substitute 'Murphy' for 'sage,' then the number of syllables is off.

  19. That's why you drop the "a", too, Gene - but us beer-quaffers aren't too fussy about the syllables.

    But how's this?

    While Murphy grouses
    Callaha raises his glass
    to the leaving fall

  20. Wow you guys are so clever. Consider this the sound of one hand clapping.

  21. The “consensus” applauds
    the one-handed dissenter;
    no evil pleasure!

  22. Tom, I stand corrected.

    Bob, you're right -- we are clever.

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