You Know Who Is Really, Really Annoying...

and not very funny? Jon Stewart. Just carefully study the contrived little hand-over-the-mouth gesture in this skit -- it's a classic example of the "Hey, I don't think it's funny, but it seems to work with these dopes I pander to" school of comedy.


  1. I can't agree more.

    At the same time, the very last joke in this was actually funny.

  2. Anonymous4:25 PM

    The Daily Show and Colbert Report are going to be much less funny during a Democratic administration. I'd like to think their sense of objectivity and their tendency to skewer not just politicians but the media will allow them to stay funny, but I don't really think it will happen.

  3. His mannerisms may annoy me, but I think his presentations are important. I like him, and think he's one of the most objective voices out there.

  4. I'm with Woody on this one. Basically, if Jon Stewart is ripping somebody who bugs you, then he's hilarious. If he's making fun of something you believe in, then he's an a-hole.

  5. You Know Who Is Really, Really Annoying... and not very funny?

    Look, Gene, just because we disagree about...

    Jon Stewart.

    PHEW! Never mind...

  6. Bob (Murphy, not me), to me what you describe is someone who is not funny. If someone is actually funny, he can get you to laugh at your own people too.

    If you point out little inconsistencies and ironies of a view, that is brilliant political humor. Everyone can laugh at that.

    If you just willfully misrepresent the other side to make it seem silly, of course you won't think it's funny if you are the one being misrepresented. If you have any comedic honesty yourself, you won't even think it's funny if you are on his side.

  7. I don't think Stewart is NEVER funny, but I'm with Bobvis.

    The Onion can make me laught at any viewopint -- much better.

  8. Dang; Hulu blocks access from foeign IP addresses.

    Stewart gets points in my book for being funny most of the time while making cogent observations. The rest of us have difficulty being funny ANY of time.

  9. The rest of us have the courtesy to stay off tv though.

  10. Bob, are you forced at gunpoint to watch Jon Stewart?

  11. No Tom, why do you ask?


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