Cops Strip a Woman and Leave Her in Cell for 6 Hours

I am sorry for the titillating title but this is serious. Cops actually did this...and the woman had called 911 for help!!

Here is the blog post by J.H. Huebert with the details. I am calling the sheriff's office later this week (number contained in the post).

What's even crazier is that, if you watch the 2nd part, you'll learn that some of the news station's viewers complained about one-sided treatment. I.e., "Hey, maybe those cops had a good reason to leave her naked in a cell for 6 hours."

Seriously, what the heck does the government have to do for people to think it screwed up?


  1. Anonymous3:43 PM

    There isn't any; the state has effectively become infallible in such minds.

  2. "Seriously, what the heck does the government have to do for people to think it screwed up?"

    This is a product of the Church of State. Most people have a quasi-religious attitude toward government now.

  3. Anonymous3:16 AM

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