Paulanoia Strikes Deep

The new primary schedule was supposed to be a major reason Paul would do well: "With the compressed primary calendar, there should be several pro-war candidates splitting the vote in the early critical primaries. Thus, Ron Paul’s antiwar stance is not an obstacle to his nomination."

Well, it was until he didn't do well, after which it turned out to be a plot to stop Ron Paul (and other minor candidates): "By front loading the primary process, the Beltwayites have given the electorate the ‘bum’s rush’, evincing an air of inevitability for their chosen candidates. "

Those clever Beltwayites! They lured Paul into a false sense of optimism and then bum rushed him.

Also, it is reported that thousands of ballots in Washington state are invalid because the voter did not commit to a party on the ballot. Pretty straightforward, you'd think? There's either a signature on the GOP line, a signature on the Dem line, or no signature, right? And anyone could check these ballots to make sure valid ones weren't being tossed.

Well, it's not so simple if you suffer from Paulanoia! Oh no, this is actually an effort to throw away all of the Paul ballots, and the signatures are just an "excuse"!

And Paul's name? Well, he was actually born with a first name and a last name, but the Beltwayites altered his birth certificate to give him two first names, knowing that would damage his chances for winning the presidency 72 years later.


  1. I was all set to congratulate you on a smoking gun, Gene, and was even going to email Ostrowski and demand an admission of guilt.

    But then I read that the "contradiction" was written by someone other than Ostrowski.

    So all you've really shown us here is that supporters of Ron Paul don't all believe the same thing. Wow.

  2. Anonymous7:33 PM

    "Into your life it will creep/It starts when you're always afraid/Then the man come and take you away"

    Prophetic, perhaps, Mr. Callahan?

  3. Did any Paul supporters before the front-loaded primaries say they were biased against him?

    Are any Paul supporters after his poor (relative to their predictions!) performance saying that the front-loaded primaries actually worked in his favor?

  4. Brian,

    I encourage you to listen to the orthodox version, in which they say, "step outta line, the man come, and take you a-way."

    Not only is it more ominous, but it has a better number of syllables.

  5. Gene,

    I'm not claiming there don't exist contradictory Paul supporters. I thought you had caught Ostrowski red-handed, and then was disappointed to see that it was two different people.

  6. But Bob, where was Mike when Ostrowski was saying the front-loaded primaries worked for Paul saying, "No way!" And where is Ostrowski now telling Mike he's all wet?

  7. Gene asked, And where is Ostrowski now telling Mike he's all wet?

    Let me teach you something about the world, Gene. When a man's just had his bum rushed, a friend doesn't tell him that he's all wet.

  8. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Sorry, Mr. Murphy, I was pulling that from memory and I haven't heard the song in a while.


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