A Real-World Application of Wits

OK kids, this is a true story. I had taken out the garbage and done some other manly things, which rendered my hands dirty (I am a germaphobe, and I can't believe more of you people aren't too).

So I was in the laundry room and saw the lint filter was out, chock full of lint. Naturally, I couldn't just leave it, to be dealt with at a future time. The problem was that I normally lick a finger in order to wipe out the lint. But clearly I couldn't do so, what with my digits teeming with microbes.

Ironically, there was a sink right next to the dryer. But alas, no hand soap! I resigned myself to going upstairs to wash my hands properly, then coming back down so I could lick my finger and wipe out the lint trap.

But then Encylopedia Brown whispered a suggestion in my ear, which saved me the trip upstairs.



  1. Use the water from the sink to wet your finger.

  2. Spit. That'll be 25 cents, please.

  3. Larry wins the prize. The spit would've worked in a pinch, but for some reason I don't think it would actually be very effective. (It might not spread over a big enough surface area on my finger, etc.)

  4. Anonymous7:04 PM

    If you use fabric softener sheets, the used ones are great for wiping out the lint trap.

  5. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Bob, you're a paranoid mf?

    BTW, the lint comes out fine even if your fingers aren't wet.

  6. I think pilocarpine (and many other drugs) cause copious salivation--did you happen to have some in your pocket?


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