Come to Freedom University...

and you get to hear me!

And you can also hear me if you are interested in Applying Liberty in Today's World.


  1. That's neat. I don't think I've ever been to those. I went to the Summer Session on Austrian Economics a while ago, but that seems different from these two things.

  2. I very much want to hear you, but I am afraid that I shall still be in CA during your lectures. Therefore, would you please speak VERY LOUDLY. I'll be listening.

  3. Anonymous9:11 PM


    Wasn't Leonard Read some kind of cult leader? I met Read and thought he was a very skilled verbal manipulator. My impression: Every word he uttered was thought out for manipulative purposes.

    In fact, during a lecture he gave he told us how he attempted to bring conversations around to freedom. Even the strategy he employed, when striking up a conversation with the person next to him while flying first clsss. Read would put the Rockwell/Paul cult leaders to shame.

    Shouldn't you speak out about this?

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