Hillary Clinton, more shrikely than not, according to Raimondo

Whatever the faults of Justin Raimondo, of which we may now add to the list Obama worship, you can always count on him to sprinkle his articles with hyper-linked portals to sometimes strange and magical worlds.

Today I found myself on the shrike's home on wikipedia.

This feathered creature impales its insect victim on thorns, "help[ing] them to tear the flesh into smaller, more conveniently-sized fragments, [serving] as a "larder" so that the shrike can return to the uneaten portions at a later time." Possibly the first inventors of the shish kabob! Are there any other such culinary oddities in the animal kingdom worthy of mention? Or even better, what other ornithological metaphors can we work into a political discussion? Cleverness is appreciated. For example, McCain being a hawk is too easy. I tried to find a peaceful vegan bird for Kucinich, but nothing turned up.

Here is the shrike's song. And yes, that is a mouse being impaled in the photo.


  1. The Secretary bird: http://www.dkimages.com/discover/previews/1004/50215706.JPG

    looks like Hillary Clinton and kills its prey "with a quick kick of its foot."

    Obama is something more like the feathered-women in The Odyssey who spellbind passing sailors, but that perhaps is too fictional to count.

    [btw, how do I embed html into comments?]

  2. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Use the proper tags, in this case

    the *A Href=""*Name*/a*

    Replace the asterisks with these <> and place the address in the "" marks. Like so:

    Secretary Bird

  3. Anonymous12:23 AM

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