Perhaps It Was Just His Neurons...

that made him think this made any sense:

"And he offered what I thought was one of the wisest responses to the debate over the existence of evil (and thus free will):

"What he suggested is that we ought to act as if we had free will to choose good or evil."

So, this "wise response" suggests that we should choose to act as if we are able to make choices. Which, of course, we could only do if we were really able to make choices.


  1. I thought dualism was just passe for most theologians at this point?

  2. Yes, dualism is surely nonsense.

  3. Are you referring to mind-matter dualism or moral dualism?

  4. Me, I was referring to mind-matter.

  5. What makes you think mind-matter dualism is "surely nonsense"?

  6. Because once you posit two separate realms like this that are inherently unconnected, there is no way to get them back together!

  7. Well don't be too harsh Gene. I can remember years ago when I was telling you consciousness was an evolved "user illusion," and you said, "What user is it fooling?" I thought that was a flippant objection, but of course now I see it's the whole point.

  8. Harshness is my middle name!

  9. This was making me think about how deucedly difficult it is to solve the "homonculus problem" and then I see you already got to that.


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