That Unrealistic Dreamer, Jon Stewart...

confronts the steely-eyed realist, Ron Paul.

Robin Koerner knocks Jon Stewart by noting that Stewart is just not dealing with the real world as we actually find it:

"Theoretically, and in an ideal world, no: just because government has failed to do something effectively does not prove that it cannot do it or that it should not be asked to do it. But in the country in which we live, largely yes."

Ron Paul, on the other hand, does not drift off into fantasy in any way whatsoever:

"Corporations in Ron Paul's favored society would not be allowed to violate the property rights of others, pollute their air or water, defraud them, lie to them or hurt them in any way."

Well, let me tell you, in my favored society, we can all float to the moon on gossamer wings and a race of intelligent but naturally servile chimps wipes our bottoms for us after we defecate. So let's set policy based on that!


  1. Well, let me tell you, in my favored society, we can all float to the moon on gossamer wings...

    You need air for wings to work, genius. I can't believe you seriously proposed that. And it takes more than opposable thumbs to properly wipe.

  2. We just use the wings to get out of the atmosphere. And I've often had a chimp wipe me arse. They do a fair enough job.


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