Joins the Smearbund


And note: Bovard is not saying that 25 years ago Paul made some mistakes in whom he let write in his newsletters, as the Reason folks were. He's saying that right now Paul is selling out principle for a shot at speaking at the convention. Talk about Smearbundocity! But this will go unremarked at the LRC blog, because it's not from [T]Reason Magazine or the Cato Institute.


  1. Anonymous1:44 AM


    Would you consider yourself part of the smearbund, or is there a seperate quasi-German word for you?

    And, if you joined Cato, do you think LRC would acknowledge your existence?

  2. Anonymous4:47 AM


    Note Bovard's comment on the $30 million. Can we have a bit of expanded commentary from Crash Landing on the spent $30 million?

  3. Smearing Ron Paul? Good heavens, I thought they were spearing Ron Paul.

    "Smearing" doesn't seem as bad.

  4. Bovard is not saying that 25 years ago Paul made some mistakes in whom he let write in his newsletters, as the Reason folks were.

    That's right, Gene, that's all the Reason people ever said about RP or LR. Keep thinking that.

  5. BTW I agree that Bovard's talk about the campaign's spending was fightin words. (I think that was worse than the "seat at the table" comment.)

  6. "That's right, Gene, that's all the Reason people ever said about RP"

    Well, that is about all they said about him.

    "or LR."

    Aaah, now that's the guy the said RP made the mistake concerning!

  7. "Can we have a bit of expanded commentary from Crash Landing on the spent $30 million?"

    It was spent to hire new writers for his newsletters.

  8. OK so let me make sure I get your position now, Gene: The people who go to are hypocrites for being mad at a website that hosted attacks on Lew Rockwell, and that criticize Ron Paul for associating with such a person to this day, whereas they are not nearly as mad at another website where a guy accuses Ron Paul of not being pure enough on his antiwar stance.

    Their hypocrisy astounds me. And by the same token, I bet if someone made fun of my momma, I would be more upset (and blog about it here) than if someone made fun of Obama's mama. I guess that shows what a hypocrite I am.

  9. "OK so let me make sure I get your position now, Gene: The people who go to are hypocrites"

    Who ever said 'hypocrites'? My own choice of words would be 'cult members'.

    "for being mad at a website that hosted attacks on Lew Rockwell"

    I never cared that they were 'mad' -- I cared that they engaged in vicious personal attacks on writers who were merely noting the truth. (Yes, Bob, Lew DID write those newsletters -- as one of the Reason writers noted, De Coster was the ONLY blogger at LRC denying that -- as he said, 'Wow, no one told De Coster that the allegations were true!'

    'whereas they are not nearly as mad at another website where a guy accuses Ron Paul of not being pure enough on his antiwar stance."

    Bovard did not accuse him of being 'impure' -- he accussed him of being a sellout.


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