So let's only show the extremely rare cases of cops going wrong and never mention the other 8 billion times they do the right thing and save the day. Please comment about how you feel about cops after you've had a heart attack and within 3 minutes after your freaked out wife calls 911 there's a cop in your bedroom with a radio, calling for help to save you life. Or you've had a car accident and the cop is there to help your sorry ass.
Cops are human. Some are bad. Some lose control on the job, so let's just post about those guys ok. Post the rare bad news, it's cool.
"So let's only show the extremely rare cases of cops going wrong and never mention the other 8 billion times they do the right thing and save the day. Please comment about how you feel about cops after you've had a heart attack and within 3 minutes after your freaked out wife calls 911 there's a cop in your bedroom with a radio, calling for help to save you life."
After he shot your dog.
Did you know in the early 70s it was found that 75% of NYC narcotics cops were on the take?! Did you know at one point it was found that 2/3 of Dallas drug busts were tainted? Don't be so naive. Cop misbehavior IS NOT rare.
Yes, anonymous, you dim-witted fool, let's just get rid of them -- there were no cops before the 19th century, and human society survived and flourished just fine without them. They are a parasite sucking life from civil society.
Because I've dealt with plenty of people who wouldn't believe cops were capable of doing this, unless they saw it with their own eyes.
I didn't call them "pigs" or anything like that. I am merely calling into question the blind support of people like you.
A while ago I posted another link, this time to a video of cops stripping a woman completely naked and leaving her in a cell for 6 hours.
I didn't bother posting a YouTube of a cop who has a lady in custody, then turns off the camera, and when the camera comes back on, her face is all swollen and bleeding. He claimed she fell off the chair onto her face. What a klutz!
I also recently posted about my time in Harlem when cops were driving recklessly with women pushing baby carriages nearby.
I also just posted a story about the Sean Bell case, where the valiant officers loaded up a car with bullets mistakenly thinking there was a gun.
Etc. etc.
No, I have never been roughed up by a cop. I'm not a moron so I call them "sir" or "ma'am" and i don't try to speed away after stumbling out of a strip club with my drunk friends who have criminal records.
If the proportion of "bad apples" doubled, would you then start to agree that something needs to be done to reform police training, accountability, assignment of patrols, etc.? What if it tripled?
So if you admit that it's at least possible that police in the United States of America could be a failing institution, I am going to keep posting videos like this so you see what they are capable of. If you had told me last week that a bunch of cops would drag guys from their car and kick them repeatedly, knowing they were being taped, I might not have believed it.
I stand corrected. Just like I stood corrected after seeing Abu Ghraib photos.
(This is Bob posting again, responding to anonymous.)
Please comment about how you feel about cops after you've had a heart attack and within 3 minutes after your freaked out wife calls 911 there's a cop in your bedroom with a radio, calling for help to save you life.
OK I will. I think for the vast majority of people in this country, cops would take a lot longer than 3 minutes to show up. I'm not even saying that as a criticism, I just think you're crazy if you think that is standard response time in most neighborhoods.
BTW I really did think it is mostly an institutional thing. I am reading the book Serpico right now and that's what I'm taking out of it. People go into the force, things just "are" a certain way, and they go with the flow.
If there weren't a government monopoly I think the problems would be corrected very quickly. But right now there is little incentive to change.
By the way, analonomous, I grew up in a law enforcement family, so my whole life, I saw that my father was the EXTREMELY RARE EXCEPTION of a law enforcement employee who was not corrupt -- all the others were always shocked when I actually went to court when I got a ticket, and would ask, "Why didn't your father just fix it?"
I'd say 90% of the law apparatus regularly breaks the law.
"Maybe you were being a punk one day and a cop gave you a hard time, roughed you up a bit, and now you hate them?"
This is great, because, in fact, my life was just the opposite. My uncle was chief justice of the CT Supreme Court, my father head prosecutor for Fairfield County, my cousin a parole officer, my wife's cousin a MA state cop, etc. etc.
Instead of "roughing me up a bit," what they would do was pull me over for speeding, look at my license, and say, "Are you Gene Callahan's son?"
"Have a nice day, Mr. Callahan."
Anonymous, I saw the corruption from the INSIDE, every day.
I am currently reading The Master and His Emissary , which appears to be an excellent book. ("Appears" because I don't know the neuroscience literature well enough to say for sure, yet.) But then on page 186 I find: "Asking cognition, however, to give a perspective on the relationship between cognition and affect is like asking astronomer in the pre-Galilean geocentric world, whether, in his opinion, the sun moves round the earth of the earth around the sun. To ask a question alone would be enough to label one as mad." OK, this is garbage. First of all, it should be pre-Copernican, not pre-Galilean. But much worse is that people have seriously been considering heliocentrism for many centuries before Copernicus. Aristarchus had proposed a heliocentric model in the 4th-century BC. It had generally been considered wrong, but not "mad." (And wrong for scientific reasons: Why, for instance, did we not observe stellar parallax?) And when Copernicus propose...
Cruel to be kind means that I love you . Because, while I think you are mistaken, your hearts are in the right place -- yes, even you, Silas -- unlike some people . This Breitbart fellow (discussed in the link above), by all appearances, deliberately doctored a video of Shirley Sherrod to make her remarks appear virulently racist, when they had, in fact, the opposite import. I heard that at a recent Austrian conference, some folks were talking about "Callahan's conservative turn." While that description is not entirely inaccurate, I must say that a lot of these people who today call themselves conservative give me the heebie-jeebies.
So, if I had 20 friends to hold a guy down while I beat him up, I too could have Pride, Integrity, and Guts. Right?
ReplyDeleteSo let's only show the extremely rare
ReplyDeletecases of cops going wrong and never mention the other 8 billion times they do the right thing and save the day. Please comment about how you feel about cops after you've had a heart attack and within 3 minutes after your freaked out wife calls 911 there's a cop in your bedroom with a radio, calling for help to save you life. Or you've had a car accident and the cop is there to help your sorry ass.
Cops are human. Some are bad. Some lose control on the job, so let's just post about those guys ok. Post the rare bad news, it's cool.
oh how I enjoy the realm of pure forms. check this, yo. please.
ReplyDelete"So let's only show the extremely rare
ReplyDeletecases of cops going wrong and never mention the other 8 billion times they do the right thing and save the day. Please comment about how you feel about cops after you've had a heart attack and within 3 minutes after your freaked out wife calls 911 there's a cop in your bedroom with a radio, calling for help to save you life."
After he shot your dog.
Did you know in the early 70s it was found that 75% of NYC narcotics cops were on the take?! Did you know at one point it was found that 2/3 of Dallas drug busts were tainted? Don't be so naive. Cop misbehavior IS NOT rare.
everything I know about economics I learned in American Gangster.
ReplyDeletelike last week.
"Cop misbehavior IS NOT rare."
ReplyDeleteSo let's just get rid of them!
What's the point of posting this
video? (It's already been posted
in many places)
Maybe you just hate cops?
Maybe you were being a punk one
day and a cop gave you a hard time,
roughed you up a bit, and now you
hate them?
"So let's just get rid of them!"
ReplyDeleteYes, anonymous, you dim-witted fool, let's just get rid of them -- there were no cops before the 19th century, and human society survived and flourished just fine without them. They are a parasite sucking life from civil society.
A-friggin-men, Gene-o.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the point of posting this
Because I've dealt with plenty of people who wouldn't believe cops were capable of doing this, unless they saw it with their own eyes.
I didn't call them "pigs" or anything like that. I am merely calling into question the blind support of people like you.
A while ago I posted another link, this time to a video of cops stripping a woman completely naked and leaving her in a cell for 6 hours.
I didn't bother posting a YouTube of a cop who has a lady in custody, then turns off the camera, and when the camera comes back on, her face is all swollen and bleeding. He claimed she fell off the chair onto her face. What a klutz!
I also recently posted about my time in Harlem when cops were driving recklessly with women pushing baby carriages nearby.
I also just posted a story about the Sean Bell case, where the valiant officers loaded up a car with bullets mistakenly thinking there was a gun.
Etc. etc.
No, I have never been roughed up by a cop. I'm not a moron so I call them "sir" or "ma'am" and i don't try to speed away after stumbling out of a strip club with my drunk friends who have criminal records.
If the proportion of "bad apples" doubled, would you then start to agree that something needs to be done to reform police training, accountability, assignment of patrols, etc.? What if it tripled?
So if you admit that it's at least possible that police in the United States of America could be a failing institution, I am going to keep posting videos like this so you see what they are capable of. If you had told me last week that a bunch of cops would drag guys from their car and kick them repeatedly, knowing they were being taped, I might not have believed it.
I stand corrected. Just like I stood corrected after seeing Abu Ghraib photos.
Sorry, the above post--and this one too--are from Bob, not Rachael Anne. (Wife's computer again.)
ReplyDelete(This is Bob posting again, responding to anonymous.)
ReplyDeletePlease comment about how you feel about cops after you've had a heart attack and within 3 minutes after your freaked out wife calls 911 there's a cop in your bedroom with a radio, calling for help to save you life.
OK I will. I think for the vast majority of people in this country, cops would take a lot longer than 3 minutes to show up. I'm not even saying that as a criticism, I just think you're crazy if you think that is standard response time in most neighborhoods.
BTW I really did think it is mostly an institutional thing. I am reading the book Serpico right now and that's what I'm taking out of it. People go into the force, things just "are" a certain way, and they go with the flow.
If there weren't a government monopoly I think the problems would be corrected very quickly. But right now there is little incentive to change.
ReplyDeleteYo, Adam, I checked that out, and it looked like someone had diarrhea all over your thesis!
By the way, analonomous, I grew up in a law enforcement family, so my whole life, I saw that my father was the EXTREMELY RARE EXCEPTION of a law enforcement employee who was not corrupt -- all the others were always shocked when I actually went to court when I got a ticket, and would ask, "Why didn't your father just fix it?"
ReplyDeleteI'd say 90% of the law apparatus regularly breaks the law.
"Maybe you were being a punk one
ReplyDeleteday and a cop gave you a hard time,
roughed you up a bit, and now you
hate them?"
This is great, because, in fact, my life was just the opposite. My uncle was chief justice of the CT Supreme Court, my father head prosecutor for Fairfield County, my cousin a parole officer, my wife's cousin a MA state cop, etc. etc.
Instead of "roughing me up a bit," what they would do was pull me over for speeding, look at my license, and say, "Are you Gene Callahan's son?"
"Have a nice day, Mr. Callahan."
Anonymous, I saw the corruption from the INSIDE, every day.
Gene, Bob, no fair ganging up! I've been pummeled! Help! Police!
ReplyDeleteI know, right?