With Great Power Comes Great Income

I finally watched Spider-Man 3. (Yeah yeah, I'm way behind, I know.) I thought it was really good, especially when Peter Parker has the black suit and is smooth with the ladies.

However, I wish the Sandman had read my article on Superman. Then he would have known that he didn't need to rob armored cars and banks to pay for medical treatment for his daughter! With his abilities, he could have hired himself out to a construction crew, say, and easily earned $10,000 / day. And if he got hooked up with firms working on a skyscraper, I bet he could charge them $50,000 / day.

(I'm assuming he's a hard worker who follows directions. But maybe he's lazy and doesn't take no cr*p from nobody, and that's why he turned to a life of crime.)


  1. Anonymous1:34 PM

    The Sandman does not seem to be among the brightest of the super-villains. As for his moral character, I will defer to his (ex)wife, who should know him. She was not sympathetic to the "I was just trying to get money for my daughter" story.

  2. Hmm, good point. I kept thinking of him as the dumb mechanic from Wings.

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