The Post Involving Chocolate Penises

My wife just relayed a potty-mouth joke she had heard, and chortling over it led me to make an observation that is interesting, though probably not new.

Anyway the joke: Some girl's mom said to her something like (I believe in consolation): "Don't talk to me about a perfect man, because I've never met one with a chocolate dick that ejaculates money."

So anyway, this got me thinking about stereotypical roles, hunter gatherer cavemen grunt-like-Tim-Allen kinda thoughts.

And it's true that women tend to favor guys who have money, just like guys tend to favor women who have looks.

Now the reason men tend to earn more, I think, is ultimately that they are more competitive. (I'm sure there are 15 other reasons, including unfair expectations, but I'm picking what I think is the most significant reason, at least in a market economy.)

What's great about the market economy is that it channels such manly ego-stroking into a wussy task (and that's why the proud Nazis looked down on mere shopkeepers) of pleasing your customers.

I mean think about it: Men are real tough guys at the bar, talk sh** on the basketball court, kill each other with abandon if someone will give them legal immunity and air support.

Yet when these macho men become businessMEN, what are they forced to do? They grovel and beg for your money. They become obsequious to the point of embarrassment. And in a market less and less protected by government regulations, only those who keep their customers happy, make more money than the next guy.


  1. Gee, I don't know about your premise: "women tend to favor guys who have money, just like guys tend to favor women who have looks."

    What do you mean by favor? Do you mean women tend to be whores? Are men sluts when it comes to sex, but when money is concerned they are the real whores?

    I suspect the good looking stud working the broom will be having the shopkeeper's wife when she wants him.

    Pulchritude might play a bigger role in this life than many of us want to admit. The homely dude or guy with the lisp, might feel that he needs to buy his ass, and be willing to take outsized risk for it. I see so many young men with no material prospects at all getting plenty, and perhaps they have little incentive for material gain.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Woody,

    We're talking other things equal. Yeah I think confidence is probably a better predictor than money for a guy, but money certainly helps.

  4. I guess my post was a weak, half-inebriated attempt to get a rise out of you.

    The way I read the argument was simply: “man will do anything for a little pussy, he might even competitively stoop to behaving like one.” I agree with that.

    I’m not sure why it must be that the market should so pussify the male of the species. And I’m not so sure that is how it is. I’ve spent time on the trading floor, and I’ve observed some of the least pusillanimous make more money than anyone. We’re all whores, the grovelers and the obsequious, the “macho men” at the bar, and women yearning for pecuniary spew.

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