Amsterdam Images

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Yes, the Dutch ride bikes a lot.

One of Amsterdam's 100 or so canals.

In MaxEuwePlein, the Dutch like their chess big.

Some houseboats, including one with a lawn on the roof.

Mr. Man works on a Dutch pancake.

At least the Dutch admit what their parks are for. (Remember the 'v' is pronounced as our 'f'.)

Adam with my friend Robert Hensgens.

Yes, it's true what you've heard about Amsterdam. (Adam and I did not make any purchases.)

Near the Riyks Museum.


  1. That bike rack looked pretty crowded. There aren't two septillion people living there, are there?

  2. I believe there are.

  3. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Nice pics, Gene.

    You should travel more often.

  4. I had just assumed Gene listened when a reader told him, "If this country is so bad, why don't you leave?"


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