Sean Bell Case

I need to learn more facts before I make any definitive assertions (after all, that's what I do) about this case. In the meantime, check out this ridiculous piece by Susan Filan, Esq., on the The Man Network, er, MSNBC. How could (a) someone possibly write this with a straight face and (b) an editor sign off on it? Just look at this:

And I believe that even though the officers cannot yet express their remorse, they are saddened by this incident and by Sean Bell’s death. No officer ever wants to take a life, even when the shooting is justified. Clearly, even if mistakes were made, the officers did not engage in deliberate and intentional misconduct. I know they grieve.

How the hell do you know that, Ms. Filan? I'm not saying they aren't grieving--though only one of them apologized according to the article I read. (If you were legitimately scared for your life, and ended up killing an unarmed guy the day before his wedding, don't you think you might, um, apologize to the family after the trial?!)

And what is this, "No officer ever wants to take a life"? What kind of asinine, we-live-in-a-great-country-so-turn-off-your-brain line is that? Does any dentist ever want to take a life? What about firefighters? What about plumbers? How does anyone ever get murdered in this country, anyway?

Oh wait, I forgot about drug dealers, polygamists, Mexican immigrants, homeschoolers, and oil speculators. Those characters are shady. They must be responsible for all of the murders every year.


  1. Well, Bob, truth be told, I'm responsible for all of the murders in the US. I can't believe I haven't been caught yet.

  2. Bob, the URL here "n'est pas et ne peut ètre chargéé."

    I.e., the URL be fool.

  3. URL be fixed -- at least, I think I put in the one you wanted -- take a look.

  4. Well, Bob, truth be told, I'm responsible for all of the murders in the US. I can't believe I haven't been caught yet.

    Is that why you haven't been able to hold down a job? And why you fled the country?

    (Yeah that's the right article, thanks. I'm not sure what happened; maybe a subconscious attempt to protect Crash Landing readers from horrible writing.)


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