Fair Trade?

Bob's not the only one with an article in The Freeman.


  1. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Gene, congratulations on the publication of your article at Freeman. I will try to read it sometime in the future.

    But, now that your are published at the organ of the Foundation for Economic Education shouldn't your next step be a blistering commentary on someone at FEE. Perhaps commentary on the late founder, Leonard Read? Wasn't Read some kind of cult leader? I met Read and thought he was a very skilled verbal manipulator. My impression: Every word he uttered was thought out for manipulative purposes.

    In fact, during a lecture he gave, that I attended, he told us how he attempted to bring conversations around to freedom. Even the strategy he employed when striking up a conversation with the person next to him while he was flying first clsss (Did you get to fly first class to Amsterdam?). Read would put the Rockwell/Paul cult leaders to shame.

    Let's get to it, Gene.

  2. Sidney,

    I'm not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely curious: Do you keep coming back the way I like to read Paul Krugman op-eds?

    Or do you like most of the commentary here, and just don't understand Gene's recent irritability vis-a-vis Rothbard(ians)?

  3. "But, now that your are published at the organ of the Foundation for Economic Education shouldn't your next step be a blistering commentary on someone at FEE."

    Sidney, NOW that I am published there? I've been writing for The Freeman for 7 years.

  4. Anonymous1:56 PM


    Yes NOW. I long ago took the advice of the 90 something Armenian billionaire financier, Kirk Kerkorian, who advised that you have to think in 10 year blocks, so 7 years is "now" for me.

  5. Anonymous2:06 PM


    I have been trolling since long before Gene's attack on the Rothbardians.

    I think it is a damn lively site-including Gene's occasional"adventurous" comments and your stabilizing influence.

    And, don't tell Gene, but the photos he posts are always interesting.


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