How will Trump do with Mexican-American voters?

Given the wall proposal, and all that?

Please as many people as can spare the time for even a one-word answer, make a comment.

(I've opened up comments to non-registered users for this post alone.)

UPDATE: You know, here in the US, "Irish" is often used as a shorthand for "Irish-American." When someone asks me, "Are you Irish?" I say, "Yes." I don't go all pedantic on the and say, "No, I am Irish-American."

Similarly, "Mexican" can be used as a shorthand for "Mexican-American," without implying Mexican-Americans are not "real" Americans!

But I've updated the title for those who can't fill in an elliptical expression.


  1. I have little idea how he'll do. I do know several Hispanic Americans who are very opposed to illegal immigration.

    1. Yes. It's a common sentiment. It's really pretty straightforward to look at the situation and think "Hmmmm.... this isn't good." Not rocket science.

      I also think a lot of people underestimate the degree to which long-time 'Mexican' residents (and even Mexican nationals themselves) identify as white.

  2. I think he will do well enough not to lose. Probably not a majority, but not bad (say 35-40%). Maybe better, but probably not worse.

    If he got a majority, it really would not surprise me, though.

  3. He won't do well.

    Many Mexican American voters registered for the first time just because of Trump. These are people who never voted before, and decided to vote now to defeat an anti Trump candidate.

  4. I don't know whether this is a trick question because you're saying "Mexican" rather than "Mexican American", but I think he will do quite poorly with Mexican Americans, due to his rapists remark, his remarks about the Trump University judge, and his support for a deportation. i expect that all three of those things will be heavily highlighted by the Clinton campaign. And given the increasing Hispanic share in the electorate, this may be one of the key factors that doom him.

  5. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Not sure about Mexicans, but Trump will get the majority of non-Mexican Latin Americans who can vote in the US presidential elections.

  6. I expect that Trump will get no support from Mexican voters, which is not surprising given that Mexicans aren't allow to vote in U.S. elections.

    1. I guess you are new to this country, and aren't familiar with the fact that, e.g., "Italians", in context, can be shorthand for "Italian-Americans"?

  7. My comment was tongue in cheek. In fact, I'd assumed that this was the point of your post. People have been calling Trump racist for referring to the judge as "Mexican" when he was born in Indiana, even though that's a common enough way to refer to someone's heritage and no one thinks it racist in non-Trump contexts.

    As it turns out, your post was tricksy, but for a different reason.

    1. I thought it might be, but I wasn't sure.


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