Americans Abroad

My charming medieval city of X (hey, I set Joseph the task of guessing my location, so I can't just go and name it!) is presently filled with American university students -- on winter break, no doubt. The puzzle for me is that the female / male ratio seems to be about nine to one. (And I am pretty sure it's not because I only notice the females, so check your dirty minds at the door.)

Why would this be? Any explanations?


  1. It always seemed like my female classmates were always going on about traveling. Also, I took an art history course on medieval/Renaissance Rome and the ratio was similar. Maybe there's a connection? Survey them and do tell!

  2. Anonymous10:08 PM

    I guess Rob beat me to it.

  3. Well college attendance for women is higher, although not by a whole lot so that won't give you too much if you figure students are more likely to be there during break.

    It might also be gendered social behavior. A gang of girls are more likely to stay in Paris or Venice or wherever, while a gang of guys may be more likely to go cross-country. Figure mixed gangs are split between destinations, and that could increase your ratio.

    It's also entirely possible that while your mind is not in the gutter, they are inexorably drawn to you, Gene.

  4. "It's also entirely possible that while your mind is not in the gutter, they are inexorably drawn to you, Gene."

    Well, of course, but I figured that only explained about half the disparity. (I did some regression testing.)

  5. traumerei, do you think my wife will buy it if I tell her it is just sociological work?


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