Even Alex Pareene Must Know He Is Babbling Nonsense, Right?

Regarding allowing religious institutions to opt out of having to pay for contraceptives, he says:

"[Murkowski] had no idea she was signing on to a hugely unpopular and politically suicidal campaign to restrict the rights of women!"

Hey, I'd like a six pack tonight! I think if my employer refuses to pay for it, I will whinge that it is restricting my rights.

Pareene then piles the rubbish heap yet higher:

"She is pro-choice. She is obviously pro-contraception. She just voted against those two principles because..."

So, if I am pro-book, but vote against forcing employers to buy their employees books, then I am voting against my principles?

These are just rhetorical ploys, right? He can't actually believe these arguments make any sense.


  1. These are just rhetorical ploys, right? He can't actually believe these arguments make any sense.

    I don't know. Believe me, I totally get what you are saying. But, I remember (for example) when you and I were arguing about materialism, and boy did I really think you were being a jack*ss. Of course now, I realize I was the braying donkey.

    Same thing with my weekly religious posts. It's not like a 1% disagreement over the proper insight to emphasize; when people are coming at something from totally different angles, what is a "knockdown" argument for one person necessarily has to be dismissed as complete rubbish by the other person.

  2. Just curious, is there a link to these famed Callahan vs. Murphy debates on materialism? Did they take place in an online forum somewhere? As someone currently thinking and struggling through these issues myself, I'd be quite interested to read them! :)

  3. anti-state.com, if I remember correctly, is where they took place.


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