Liveblogging Wood's The Idea of America: What to Punish?

"With all social relationships in a free state presumably dependent on mutual trust, it is not surprising that the courts of eighteenth-century Massachuseyys treated instances of cheating and deception far more severely than overt acts of violence." (p. 107)

This is an interesting contrast with Rothbard's theory of crime in The Ethics of Liberty.


  1. Good evening, Dr. Callahan.

    I have not read "The Ethics of Liberty," and, to be quite honest, it is not currently on my reading list.

    Would you mind telling me Rothbard's theory of crime as it is outlined in his book?

    Thank you.

    1. Well, I can't do it justice in a brief remark, but basically, if there is no violation of the non-aggression axiom, there is no crime. And he regards things like blackmail and refusing to honor a contract as not being such violations.


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