Time to Clean Up!

I now have 213 draft posts in my blogger account for this blog! I think it's about time to start working through this backlog. I warn you because it is possible that at some point I forgot a draft, began it again as a new post, and that version was published. So, I might accidentally publish something that has already come out. I apologize in advance for any such double posting.


  1. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Don't worry, the three of us won't make a fuss about it.

    1. You know how to hurt a man, Joe.

  2. I think it would be awesome if you accidentally post an old pro-anarchism draft.

    1. You mean one of Murphy's?


    2. I distinctly remember a dude named Gene Callahan one time urging me, nicely, to give up my attempts to make the state work. :D


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