Can Someone Tell Me What Word Is Doing?

My (old) computer was running REALLY slowly tonight -- it takes up to 10 seconds for a letter I type to appear on screen! So I ran Activity Monitor (ps). The main culprit was Firefox, which must have been stuck running some background Javascript in an infinite loop or something. But what was more surprising was that Microsoft Word was sucking up 20% of my CPU -- while not in use! Yes, it was running -- I had loaded, changed, and saved a doc in Word four hours earlier -- but I had not touched it since. So what was Word up to? Searching for extraterrestrial intelligence? Cracking al Qaeda cyphers? Any ideas?


  1. I dunno but my laptop is definitely distracted by other things most of the time. With Windows Vista, how do I perform the same diagnostic you are talking about here?

    (Gene, it pains me that I will never know more than you do regarding computers. I think I can catch you just about anywhere else if I really wanted to.)

  2. "With Windows Vista, how do I perform the same diagnostic you are talking about here?"

    1) Proceed to nearest used computer dealer.
    2) Sell Vista machine.
    3) Go to nearest Apple store.
    4) Purchase Mac.
    5) Run Activity Monitor.

    (Seriously, there is undoubtedly some inferior version of Activity Monitor on Windows, but I don't know its name.)

  3. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Press CTRL+Shift+Esc.

  4. Anonymous5:42 PM

    The Word was obviously running Lucas-Lehmer on over 10000000 digits.


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